About Us
ArtEX is a not-for-profit Association based in central Italy in the city of Todi, Umbria, a location that reflects and acknowledges the strong associations and expertise that this region has established in the world of Contemporary Art at both a regional and global level.
XXX Objectives
XXXXto position Umbria as an acknowledged centre and showcase for world Contemporary Art.
- XXXInwards Exchange – bringing world art into Umbria
- XXXOutwards Exchange – taking Umbrian art to the world
XXXX Managing, promoting and logistical support of a range of activities Including but not limited to:
- XXXX Art workshops and master classes
- Exhibitions
- Artist in Residence
XXXX Stage 1 – Inwards Exchange: 2021
XXXX with first inwards exchange activities:
- XXXX facilitate and support first Art Workshops/Master Classes from offshore participants along with associated local activities. Arrangements with an Australian partner are now underway for the first workshops.
- integrate, co-ordinate and build relations with other local Art oriented associations, ventures and galleries, to promote and support local events directly related to Inwards Exchange workshop activities.
XXXXDiscussions with a view to establishing ‘collaboration in principle’ arrangements have commenced with other local art associations or ventures and the Todi Commune with more to follow.
- XXXXstart the ArtEX digital web-site.
- facilitate first trial inwards Art Exhibitions (from offshore) to Umbria in conjunction with local Galleries, Associations and Communes.
- facilitate initial trials to Artists in Residence (from offshore) if opportunities arise